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Unfortunately, oleander is as beautiful as it is susceptible to aphid infestation. Whether aphids, scale insects or mealybugs, the harmful insects love the nutritious plant sap of the Mediterranean shrub. While an aphid infestation is very common and can hardly be prevented, you can often prevent scale insects when you buy them. When choosing the oleander, just make sure you get a scale insect-free specimen: these stubborn little creatures are usually brought in by newly acquired and already infested plants.

An efficient home remedy against lice can be made with soft soap and alcohol

Which works well against aphids

The best way to get rid of aphids is with a sharp jet of water. Hardly any other remedy drives away the little animals as effectively as this. The wet is also very good for the oleander, after all the shrub loves the moisture. However, you should make sure that the leaves are then dried quickly and sustainably, otherwise fungal infections can spread. In addition to showering, self-made nettle manure also helps against aphids. This also has the advantage that it supplies the oleander with additional nutrients and strengthens its immune system.

Make nettle manure

Make nettle manure as follows:

Collect and crush one kilogram of stinging nettles and soak them in ten liters of water. Put the mixture in a warm, dark place and leave it covered for at least a week - don't forget to stir it every day! After about seven to ten days, strain the broth and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10. With this remedy, you can now water and/or spray your oleanders infested with aphids.

Home remedies for scale and mealybugs

The best remedies against these two types of plant lice are those that suffocate the little animals. You can then simply collect them from the plant. Spraying agents based on soft soap (€44.90) and/or rapeseed oil have proven to be very effective. Neem oil-based products available in specialist shops are also very suitable.

Make your own sprays

This recipe here is a very effective spray that is well tolerated by oleanders:

  • 500 milliliters of water
  • 10 grams of soft soap
  • 10 milliliters of denatured alcohol

Immediately after mixing, the agent is applied to the lice using a cotton swab or a brush. Alternatively, you can simply brush the pests with tea tree oil.


When fighting these pests, a single treatment is not enough. You need to repeat them every day for a period of one to two weeks if possible.

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