- Diseases - of rarity
- Identify and remove scale insects
- Other causes of a damaged, miserable appearance
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The leaves are brown and/or curled up. The flowers do not open, but dry up while they are still closed. Such symptoms do not always have to be due to care errors or a wrong location. Which diseases or pests attack the Strelizie?
The Strelitzia is not very susceptible to diseasesDiseases - of rarity
Usually the Strelizie is not susceptible to diseases. An infestation can only occur if care is not taken properly. For example, this plant is often watered too much. The soil is wet and root rot (recognizable by a putrid smell from the soil) can already occur after a few days. This is a disease caused by a fungal pathogen.
Avoid root rot
Good drainage and regular but moderate watering will prevent root rot. Water the Strelizie only when the top layer of soil has dried. If root rot has already occurred, it is often too late. If necessary, repotting in fresh soil and removing rotten root parts will help.
Identify and remove scale insects
Scale insects can be recognized by the cap-shaped shields on the leaves. In between, sticky, shiny honeydew (their secretions) can often be seen. The pests suck the plants dry and over time the leaves turn brown. You can use these animals e.g. B. remove with a knife or toothbrush.
Other causes of a damaged, miserable appearance
Not only diseases and pests can affect the Strelizie. There can also be the following causes if it no longer looks good:
- damaged roots
- stress
- draft
- wrong wintering
- dryness
- improper repotting and sharing
- over-fertilization/nutrient deficiency
- too little space in the pot
- too shady location
- heat
Especially in winter, the parrot flower is at risk of pest infestation. Above all, this favors the dry room air that is created by the heating heat. It is therefore better to place the plant in a room that is not heated!