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When you see the white to pink flowers of the winter snowball, you quickly get the idea to propagate this shrub. Its appearance is an extremely convincing argument and its floral scent also flatters the senses. But how do you multiply it?

The winter snowball can be propagated, for example, by cuttings

Propagate by cuttings or sticks

The easiest way to propagate the scented snowball is to use cuttings or sticks. How it works step by step:

  • cut cuttings in summer (e.g. in the course of a thinning cut)
  • cut sticks in winter
  • remove lower leaves
  • Prepare a pot with potting soil
  • Stick the cuttings/sticks halfway into the potting soil
  • Keep soil moist and in the shade

Plant out from spring

After the shoots are rooted, they can be planted out. In the case of cuttings that were obtained in summer, it is advisable not to start planting in autumn, but only in the following spring (otherwise there is a risk of frostbite). Plant the young plant in a partially shaded location in nutrient-rich soil!

Separate root suckers from the mother plant

Another way to multiply the scented snowball are root suckers. They are all too happy to form on their own on this shrub. They shoot out of the ground below. Cut them off in spring and plant them in a semi-shady spot! There they have to be kept moist.

Use sinkers to propagate

Last but not least, it has proven itself to multiply the winter snowball by means of sinkers. If a shoot reaches the ground, you can attach it to the ground with a stone or a hook.

If the soil is kept moist, roots will soon form. As soon as roots have formed, the sinker can be cut off from the mother plant and planted in another location.


It is not recommended to multiply the winter snowball with its seeds. The seeds need stratification and the offspring usually have different traits than the mother plant. In addition, sowing is extremely time-consuming.

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