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The better the soil is adapted to the requirements of strawberries, the richer the harvest. We explain how the soil should be made. Proper preparation compensates for small deficiencies.

The best garden soil for magnificent strawberries

The soil plays a central role in the interaction of all location factors for the cultivation of strawberries. The garden soil should be structured as follows so that the plants can perform the expected feat and allow many delicious fruits to thrive:

  • loose, humus-rich soil with a small amount of sand
  • rich in nutrients, fresh and moist, but without waterlogging
  • ideally a pH between 6 and 7

Under no circumstances should soil be used on which strawberries have already been cultivated in the previous four years. At such a location, the risk of pests in the soil is so high that cultivation is ill-fated. Too acidic a soil value also has a negative effect. If the pH is below 5.5, lime is added accordingly.

Preparation optimizes plant growth

Experienced hobby gardeners do not only rely on the good quality of their garden soil. They expertly prepare the plaice for the strawberry plants in advance. That's how it's done:

  • Legumes, new potatoes, mustard or leeks are preferably planted in pre-cultivation
  • a few weeks before the soil is deeply enriched with compost and well-rotted manure
  • alternatively, incorporate commercial humus fertilizer into the bed 2 weeks before planting strawberries

If possible, strawberries should not be planted in freshly dug soil. Therefore, give the garden soil at least 14 days to settle. An even longer waiting time should be planned if the plants are settled in a raised bed. Since up to five layers of different materials are stacked on top of each other, a rest period of at least 4 weeks is recommended.

tips and tricks

A previously sown green manure leaves the ultimate prepared soil. Green manure plants even loosen up the compacted soil of a new building site and enrich it with valuable nutrients. Strawberries benefit in particular from lupins, vetches, marigolds or proven mixtures such as Tempo Green or Gartendoktor.

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