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Seasonal dishes and cakes with ingredients from our own garden are an enrichment for the palate and soul. Blackberries are suitable for a variety of uses in juices, cakes and sauces, although the exact harvest time can vary depending on the variety and location.

Wild blackberries and cultivars

In the case of blackberries, a basic distinction is made between the cultivated varieties and the wild blackberry species, which grow on embankments, roadsides and industrial dumps without human intervention. However, the blackberry species native to this country hardly differ in their respective ripening times. Depending on the spring weather, this usually begins in July and often extends into October. However, longer periods of wet weather can abruptly interrupt the pleasure of harvesting in some years, as they promote the formation of mold in the fruit directly on the bush.

Harvest blackberries continuously from the bush

Blackberries are a special feature of garden fruit because they can be harvested continuously over a relatively long period of time. This is due to the fact that the fruits are not all developed at the same time after flowering, but always reach maturity in the respective groups on the tendrils a few days later. This outweighs the fact that blackberries only keep for a very short time after harvesting, even in the refrigerator. As blackberries do not ripen after they have been picked, you should only pick them if they are already coming off with gentle pressure. If this is not the case, it should still be a very sour specimen in terms of taste.

Approach the harvest correctly

While cultivars and breeds without thorns are often planted in the garden, wild blackberries in nature should not be underestimated in terms of their defensiveness. Therefore, older garments with longer trouser legs and sleeves are mandatory for the harvest. In addition, you should take the following things with you:

  • Gloves for opening the bramble thicket
  • small and large bowls for collecting the fruit without crushing it
  • Sturdy footwear for stability on slopes

tips and tricks

Depending on the climatic conditions, the harvest time for blackberries can be individually brought forward. If you want to harvest blackberries earlier in the summer, you can plant the blackberry plants on sunlit walls and slopes.

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