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Honeydew melons are now commercially available all year round, as they are grown in many warm countries around the world. With good care, you can also grow the sugar-sweet vitamin bombs yourself in your own garden.

Where do you get the plants from?

In some garden centers, young watermelon plants can now also be purchased for the outdoor season from the beginning of May. However, the fruits can also be grown from the seeds in commercially available fruits. However, these must first be freed from any pulp, otherwise the seeds can mold before germination in the moist soil.

What is the right location for honeydew melon?

For strong growth, honeydew melons primarily need the following ingredients:

  • sunlight
  • warmth
  • water
  • nutrient

The location for honeydew melons should therefore be as bright and warm as possible. The cultivation of honeydew melons therefore works particularly well in greenhouses, as these can also compensate for the cooler climate in this country compared to the countries of origin. If the young plants are brought forward in good time in spring, the fruits will ripen by autumn if the cultivation takes place on a sunny mound or in a raised bed. If possible, the soil should have been treated with manure or other fertilizer the previous fall so that fresh manure or compost does not need to be added during the growing season.

How are honeydew melons planted?

Honeydew melons feel particularly good when they can also let their tendrils grow upwards. Therefore, plant the plants deep enough in the substrate, but also offer the honeydew melons a trellis or a net to climb on.

When can you prefer honeydew melons?

Honeydew melons can be planted outdoors from around May when the nights are frost-free. When growing in a greenhouse, this can sometimes happen a little earlier. Seeds should be planted in the soil about four weeks before planting, as they also need about a week or two to germinate.

How are honeydew melons propagated?

Botanically, honeydew melons belong to the vegetable and are therefore not propagated by offshoots or sinkers. Since the parts of the honeydew melon plant die off completely at the time of harvest, new young plants are only created by the germination of the seeds contained in the fruit.

When can we expect fruit that is ready to be harvested?

In this country, honeydew melons can only be grown seasonally due to the climate, since the temperatures cannot be kept constant all year round, even in a greenhouse. However, the harvest depends heavily on the time of sowing and the location. As a rule, it lasts until about September or October until the parts of the honeydew melon plant die off and thus generally indicate that the golden-yellow fruits are fully ripe.

What distance should be kept between honeydew melon plants?

Since honeydew melons can grow strongly and tendrils with good fertilization and care, a distance of at least one to two meters should be maintained between the individual plants, depending on the availability of climbing opportunities.

tips and tricks

During the last few weeks before harvest, honeydew melons need a lot of water. You should therefore water the plants regularly so that the fruit does not suffer any loss of quality due to dry phases.

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