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It is generally said that physalis are grown like tomatoes. Both species are from the nightshade family and have similar needs. When it comes to stinginess, however, opinions differ.

Physalis can be pinched

Excessive - What is it?

The gardener understands the term “squeezing out” to mean breaking out or cutting out side shoots. Without this procedure, bushy plants such as tomatoes would put too much energy into growth, so that the fruit set cannot ultimately ripen at all. The goal of squeezing out is simply to get straight, single-shoot plants whose fruits receive enough light and air for the ripening process.

This is how you proceed when squeezing

  • The unwanted side shoots grow directly from the leaf axils.
  • They should be removed as early as possible.
  • Simply snap off the soft shoots with two finger(nails).
  • You can also use nail scissors.
  • But leave the big leaves alone!
  • Pinching must always be repeated when new side shoots appear.

Andean berries - yes or no?

The Andean berry grows - just like the tomato - very bushy and develops many shoots. At the same time, one plant alone can develop up to 300 berries - this means that if you want to bring in a significant harvest, it would be advisable to cut corners. Many plants eventually grow so dense that no light can reach the many inner fruits, which then simply rot. However, whether or not it is actually necessary depends on the individual case. Some people simply let their physalis grow in the garden and have no problems with the fruit ripening. Therefore, cutting the physalis is not quite as important as with the tomato - you can, however, reach for the scissors if the plants grow too luxuriantly.


Physalis grow to about a meter tall. Offer the plant a growth aid, for example in the form of a stick. This should be at least 1.50 meters high, after all the lower part disappears into the ground. Attach the main shoot of the physalis to this (e.g. with the help of twine or clips) so that the plant has a more stable hold.

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