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When the grapes ripen in the garden, the anticipation of a rich grape harvest grows. Here you can find out how long the harvest takes, how to recognize ripe grapes and harvest them correctly.

How to extend the harvest time

From the end of August there is a lot of activity in the German wine-growing regions, because the time of the grape harvest has begun. Harvest time extends well into October. For the respective grape variety, the harvest time window is only 2-3 weeks. Clever hobby gardeners therefore plant 3 different types of grapes in the garden and on the balcony: for the early, mid-early and late harvest.

Recognizing ripe grapes and harvesting them correctly

The successful cultivation of vines is a challenge for every hobby gardener. To ensure that the busy time leads to the enjoyment of sun-kissed fruit, the date for the harvest must be chosen carefully. You can recognize ripe grapes by these characteristics:

  • the kernels have changed color from green to creamy white to brown
  • the fruit stalks are woody
  • the grapes are completely colored
  • a first tasting signals a sweet taste

If the full ripeness could be determined without a doubt, the harvest is very easy to do by hand. Use scissors to cut off the entire cluster. If there are damaged or rotten berries underneath, these are plucked out in the next step.

  • Proper storage creates a long shelf life

Only wash the grapes after harvest if they will be eaten immediately. The fruit stalks should linger on the berries until consumption. In this way, the fruit stays fresh longer. Stored in the fruit basket at room temperature, you can snack on it for up to 5 days. If you want a longer shelf life, store the grapes like this after the harvest:

  • in the refrigerator at 4-5 degrees Celsius for up to 14 days
  • frozen in the freezer up to 6 months
  • dried into raisins for several years

tips and tricks

Grapes are non-climacteric fruits. That means they don't ripen. If in doubt, leave the grapes on the vine for a few more days to soak up more sun.

Small 1 × 1 of the grape harvest for hobby gardeners - practical tips and information about the grape harvest in the garden and on the balcony.


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