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The purchase has been made, the sour cherry is in the garden and now it should get to know its new location. But be careful: Not every place is suitable for this fruit tree. Below you will find out what to consider when planting sour cherries.

Which location is best?

Compared to the sweet cherry, the sour cherry is more modest in terms of location. It is more robust and copes better with rough conditions such as high altitudes. It prefers to grow in a warm, sheltered spot in full sun to partial shade.

What should the subsoil be like?

Since the root system of the sour cherry extends far into the depths, you should keep this in mind when planting. The substrate should be well drained and light to medium heavy to avoid later disease and rot. A gravelly to sandy loamy soil with a high humus and nutrient content is ideal.

When is the best time?

The best time for planting is in autumn. You can also plant the sour cherry in spring. Although container plants can be planted all year round on frost-free days, spring or autumn are preferable. Then the sour cherry has enough time to root unhindered (do not invest any energy in blossoms, leaves and fruits).

Which plant neighbors are recommended?

If you want your tart cherry to produce fruit, it should either be self-fertile or be near a pollinator. Other sour cherry varieties or sweet cherries are suitable as pollinators. A minimum distance of 3 m should be maintained from such neighbors.

How is it planted?

  • 1. Loosen the soil, dig a planting hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball.
  • 2. Soak the root ball in a bucket of lukewarm water.
  • 3. Place in the planting lock and fill with loose soil (add some compost if you like).
  • 4. Firm and water properly.
  • 5. Attach a post if necessary.
  • 6. Prune the newly planted sour cherry tree

tips and tricks

It is advisable to only attach a support post if the sour cherry is in a position where there is a strong draught. Otherwise, the stake would to a certain extent prevent her from developing her own strength and from later being dependent on a helping support.


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