This native fruit tree enchants as a decorative shade provider for up to 150 years. From the fifth year, young plum trees delight with sweet stone fruits. With good care, it enriches the regional fruit supply every year. Learn details about the makeover cut.

taper cut

Regular pruning supports sustainable development, especially with older plum trees. In this way, the fruit shoots remain young and the yield remains constant.

The branch structure of the plum tree is similar to pome fruit. Accordingly, a pyramid-shaped blend is recommended. Please note the following details:

  • only after a break of several years
  • Timing: after harvest, in early spring
  • Remove steep growing branches
  • aged fruit wood: shorten to younger side shoot
  • Aged shoot tips: derive from the inner area of the tree crown

tips and tricks

Older plum trees should stay where they are. They can no longer cope with transplanting.

