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In the wild, woodruff reproduces practically by itself in suitable locations. However, the aromatic and medicinal plant can also be propagated in the garden relatively easily.

Woodruff propagation by seed

When the woodruff ends in bloom between mid and late May, the delicate white flowers give rise to relatively small seeds, which ensure propagation around the plant's location. For sowing in the garden, you can purchase Galium odoratum seeds from well-stocked specialist shops. You must sow these by autumn at the latest if you want to harvest the first woodruff stalks in spring. When sowing, pay attention to:

  • a shady location with well-drained soil
  • a covering of the seeds with a layer of soil about 0.5 centimeters thick
  • the even supply of water to the substrate during the germination phase

Multiply the woodruff by division

In wild locations in the forest, woodruff often forms extensive carpets, which are covered with numerous white flowers in the form of small crosses during the flowering period from mid-April to mid-May. This vegetation density is not only caused by self-seeding of the small seeds, but also by propagation via root suckers. This makes it possible to multiply the woodruff in the garden by division. Ideally, you should dig up the woodruff on a mild autumn day and put the pieces of the rootstock divided with the spade back into the new locations.

Allow the woodruff enough close time before harvest

In order for a sufficiently large cushion of plants to form in one place in the garden for a rich harvest, you should first allow freshly planted woodruff a closed season. This is the only way for the sensitive roots to develop undisturbed and form more plant stalks.

tips and tricks

So that enough seeds and root suckers can form at the location for self-sowing, you should always leave a sufficiently large number of stems when collecting.


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