The phlox, also called flame flower because of its lush flowers, is not one of the poisonous garden plants. On the contrary: its finely scented flowers are even edible. They can be used in many ways in the kitchen.

Phlox is completely non-toxic to cats

So you don't have to worry if your pet ever nibbles on the phlox. If you want to use the flowers in the kitchen, then make sure that the plants are unsprayed and really healthy - and if possible not nibbled. Only pick the flowers shortly before consumption or processing.

When can you harvest the flowers?

Wait until the flowers of your phlox are fully bloomed. Then you can harvest at any time. Pluck off the flowers carefully and do not cut off the whole flower heads, then you can enjoy the flowers for a long time. The flowers should be really fresh and not already wilted so that they taste really good.

How can you use the flowers?

The intensely scented flowers of the perennial phlox have a strong taste. You can use it to spice up salads or prepare blossom butter. Phlox blossoms are also popular for making various spreads or decorative ice cubes.

The delicately aromatic blossoms taste excellent on freshly baked bread and butter. Even desserts and home-made ice cream can be refined and decorated with the flowers of the phlox. Use fresh or candied flowers.

The essentials in brief:

  • Phlox is non-toxic
  • the flowers are edible
  • Harvest flowers only from healthy, unsprayed plants
  • Use flowers as fresh as possible

tips and tricks

With the phlox blossoms, you can easily make decorative ice cubes that will definitely be eye-catchers at your next party.
