Choosing the perfect hedge plant for the family garden requires special care. A large number of magnificent ornamental trees are permeated with toxic substances that are harmful to the health of curious children and pets. You can find out here whether this shortcoming applies to a field maple hedge.

Field maple is harmless to humans and animals
Some species of maple rightly have a reputation for containing harmful substances in their seeds and leaves. The focus is on hypoglycine A, which can be fatal to children, the elderly, pets, and horses when consumed in large amounts.
The research institute Instituts RIKILT Wageningen in the Netherlands wanted to know for sure and carried out an extensive field study among the most common maple species on the European continent. With regard to the toxin content, the researchers found the following:
- Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus): very toxic due to high levels of deadly hypoglycine A
- Ash maple (Acer negundo): very poisonous, especially the seeds and sprouts
- Field maple (Acer campestre) and Norway maple (Acer platanoides): non-toxic