Growing exotic plants from seeds is a very interesting hobby and easy to learn with jackfruit seeds. You need a bright and warm place and very fresh ripe seeds.

Only the seeds of ripe jackfruit can be germinated

Where can I get jackfruit seeds?

You can obtain jackfruit seeds from specialist retailers or online. However, you must not leave the seeds for a long time after purchase or delivery, otherwise they will lose their ability to germinate. Alternatively, remove the seeds from a ripe jackfruit. If the fruit was harvested immature, then the seeds may not be ripe and therefore not germinable.

How should I treat the seeds?

In principle, sowing is possible all year round. The seeds of the jackfruit can only germinate when they are fresh and must never be stored for a long time or even dried. Once you have bought the seeds, start sowing immediately. Take the seeds from a purchased or harvested fruit, then clean the seeds and then sow them straight away.

Put the seeds on a lean growing medium in a flat container. Sprinkle a little willow over it and dampen it with a water spray. Put a clear foil or plastic bag over the growing pot to keep the humidity and temperature evenly high. A germination temperature of 22 °C to 25 °C is ideal.

How do I care for the young plants?

The seeds will germinate after about two to three weeks. Now slowly increase the daily ventilation times before removing the film completely. Only when your seedlings have developed strong leaves can you plant them in their own pots.

The essentials in brief:

  • Buy seeds or harvest them yourself
  • ripe seeds only germinate for a short time
  • immature seeds not germinable
  • Sowing possible all year round
  • Sow in lean growing substrate
  • use a flat culture vessel
  • Keep substrate evenly moist
  • Germination temperature: between 22 °C and 25 °C
  • Germination time: 2 to 3 weeks
  • stretch transparent film over the culture vessel
  • Air the seeds or seedlings for at least 2 hours a day


If you want to grow a jackfruit tree from seeds, only use very fresh seeds, they quickly lose their ability to germinate.
