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If the garden is infested with voles, neither tulip bulbs, carrots, celery nor rose roots are safe from the voracious pests. Troubled gardeners are rightly wondering what to do about the destructive burrowers without wielding the chemical mace. Read here what really helps in non-toxic vole control.
Voles have a very fine sense of smellFight with stench - voles can't stand these remedies
Voles have a sensitive sense of smell to orientate themselves in the eternal darkness of their tunnels. This is what the following means for non-toxic vole control are aimed at. How to chase water vole and friends with stench to hell:
- Fumigation with vole gas from Neudorff as smoke cartridges with the smell of lavadin oil
- Soak old cloths in turpentine, petroleum or carbolineum and stick them in the aisles
- Introduce butyric acid at several points in the tunnel system
- Make a mixture of thuja plant manure and castor oil and pour it into the walkways
However, these funds harbor the risk of becoming a victim of this odor attack yourself. You avoid this disadvantage with the innovative remedy Dr. Stahler mole and vole free. Here, the offending odor is packaged in spheres buried a spade-deep in the ground. The remedy develops its optimal effectiveness when it is applied in three stages within 24 hours.
In the garden managed in a way that is close to nature, the mole is increasingly seen as a beneficial creature. The insectivore devours vast amounts of plant pests and loosens the soil with its digging activity. Do you want to know if you are dealing with a vole or a mole? Then put a carrot in a tunnel. If it's nibbled on the next day, these vole control tips will come in handy.