While this pretty plant is often advertised as hardy, don't count on it. There are no really hardy varieties. It is better to overwinter the only partially hardy Hebe, also known as shrub veronica, indoors in a frost-free place. Only with good winter protection will it survive the winter in the garden.

Hardly any Hebe variety survives a cold winter outdoors

What temperatures does Hebe survive in winter?

Hebe is commercially available in many varieties. These include supposedly hardy varieties such as Hebe addenda or Hebe armstrongii. However, the claim that these shrub veronica will survive a cold winter outdoors is misleading.

The small-leaved varieties tolerate sub-zero temperatures better than large-leaved Hebe species. But it shouldn't be colder than minus five degrees at the location - and only for a short time.

Basically, you can overwinter varieties with small leaves with good winter protection in the garden. Large-leaved varieties, on the other hand, should be grown in a bucket from the start so that you can overwinter the plant frost-free.

Overwinter cool but frost-free

Hebe can be grown indoors all year round as an ornamental plant or in a bucket on the patio. Shrub veronicas that are classified as conditionally hardy varieties can also be planted outdoors if you provide winter protection in winter.

Hebe grown in tubs or pots needs a cool but frost-free place in winter. This also applies to varieties that you keep in the flower window.

In winter, place the pots in a place where the temperature is ideally between five and ten degrees. The location must be bright, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. Suitable places are:

  • hallway area
  • attic
  • unheated conservatory
  • cool greenhouse

After the winter, gradually get used to the warmth

In spring, as temperatures start to rise, start slowly acclimating the Hebe back to warmer temperatures.

You shouldn't bring the ornamental plant into the warm living room right away, but keep it a little warmer for a few hours at first.

Hebe in the tub can be taken outside on frost-free days. You should only bring them back into the house if it freezes at night.

How to overwinter shrub veronica in the garden

If you have planted hardy varieties outdoors, there are two ways to overwinter them. You can dig them up in the fall and put them in a bucket. This is then overwintered in a frost-free place.

If it is not possible to bring shrub veronica into the house in winter, spread a layer of mulch around the plant. Leaves or grass cuttings are suitable for this.

Cover the plant itself with brushwood or, even better, fir branches. Fir branches have the advantage that the needles fall off in the spring, allowing light to reach the Hebe.


The ornamental plant from New Zealand needs a very bright but not too sunny location. The flowering time depends on the variety and can last from May to July. Late varieties bloom from August to October.
