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If you weigh your Ritterstern with the right care program, it will gladly put on its blossoms again in summer. The following lines will give you a practical insight into the prerequisites on which this small, floral miracle is based.

A few simple tricks can encourage amaryllis to bloom again in the summer

Top premise: proper care after the winter bloom

When the winter flowering period is coming to an end in February, set the course for summer flowering with the right care program and a good deal of patience. How to do it right:

  • Clean out the withered flowers in good time to prevent seed formation
  • Cut off the strong flower stalk 4-5 cm above the bulb when it has yellowed
  • Keep the substrate constantly slightly moist and water from below
  • Fertilize liquid every 14 days from March

Please do not cut off the green leaves at this time. These provide jump-start for the summer sprouting of new leaves and the longed-for inflorescence on your knight star.

Out in the fresh air in mid-May

When the ice saints said goodbye in May, carry your knight's star onto the balcony. So that the subtropical plant does not catch sunburn, it initially stays in the partially shaded location for 8 to 10 days to harden off. Then the amaryllis takes its place in the sun. There is nothing wrong with sinking the pot in the bed for this purpose in order to get envious looks over the garden fence.

If you continue with the recommended care undeterred, the knight star will trump in the middle of summer with renewed blooms. Should the leaves of winter begin to die off now, there is no cause for concern. Cut back the fallen foliage to make room for fresh greenery. Water and fertilize regularly until July. As a result, the application of fertilizer is stopped and the amount of watering reduced in preparation for the autumn growth break.


Amaryllis has made a name for itself as a cut flower for vases because of its strong flower stalks. Thanks to a long flowering period of more than 2 weeks, the proud flower grace can be found in sumptuous winter bouquets to communicate admiration and friendly affection in the language of flowers.

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