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With its twisted twigs, the corkscrew hazel enchants with a magical aura in beds and pots. With professional pruning, this unique habit will remain for many years. These instructions explain in practice how to correctly cut back a corkscrew hazelnut.

A pruning prevents a balding from the inside

First enjoy the flower - then cut back - Here's how

In March and April, the corkscrew hazelnut delights us with its distinctive catkin blossoms. Immediately afterwards, the time window for the shape and maintenance cut opens. Please choose a date with overcast, frost-free weather. The following instructions explain how to cut professionally:

  • Cut back branches that are too long by up to two thirds
  • Cut off steep, inward-growing branches that rub against each other
  • Cut deadwood and stunted shoots at the base

The aim of the topiary is a compact, densely leafed shrub that is flooded with sunlight. In this way, you effectively prevent balding from the inside out. You will encourage profuse branching on your corkscrew hazelnut if you position the scissors a few millimeters above an outward leaf node. This is recognizable as a slight elevation under the bark.

Young branches get the hang of it

The less pronounced the degree of lignification, the more prominently the branches twist. Therefore, combine the annual pruning with continuous rejuvenation. To do this, shorten 2 to 4 of the strongest and oldest branches to 15 cm. Since a corkscrew hazelnut is busily sprout again from the old wood, you preserve the youthful vitality and effectively prevent intensive lignification.

Cut back wildlings promptly

If you have purchased your corkscrew hazelnut as a grafted standard, wildlings can sprout from the rootstock. These can be clearly identified by their straight growth. As these uninvited guests strive to overgrow the noble crown, they must retreat. You should therefore also cut off wildlings during the year without delay as soon as you discover the shoots.

Better to tear off than cut back

There is enormous growth potential in a Wildling. As long as a small piece of tissue remains on the wild root after cutting back, growth continues unabated. Therefore, do not remove these branches with scissors, but tear them off with a bold jerk.


With its twisting branches, the corkscrew hazel decorates your home all year round as a vase decoration. When the male catkins thrive on the twisted twigs in February/March, the shrub tops every bouquet with its charismatic expressiveness.

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