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Originally you wanted to plant the silver rain. But now you are unsure. Is this plant completely harmless? Or does it even contain toxic substances?

Common robinia, also known as silver rain, is highly toxic

Silver rain is not the same as silver rain

There are two plants referred to as silver rain. They could hardly be more different. The one silver rain is also known under the name common robinia. The other silver rain (Dichondra argentea) is a creeper. While black locust is highly toxic (especially the seeds and bark are extremely toxic), Dichondra argentea is non-toxic.

You can recognize the non-toxic silver rain by the following characteristics:

  • shoots up to 2 m long
  • twining growth
  • hairy leaves
  • rounded leaf shape (reminiscent of the leaves from Postelein)
  • Leaves appear silver
  • inconspicuous flowers from May to August


Although the silver rain Dichondra argentea is non-toxic, consumption of this plant is not recommended. It's not particularly tasty.

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