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For a plant lover, seeing the schefflera drop its leaves is a terrifying sight. At first only a few, but soon more than 1/3 of all leaves have fallen off… What is wrong and can the houseplant still be saved?

There can be a variety of problems when the schefflera sheds its leaves

Reason #1: Root rot

In many cases, root rot is behind the leaf shedding. It occurs when the Schefflera stands in a substrate that is too wet. First their leaves turn yellow. Then they fall off and at the same time you can smell a putrid smell from the earth.

Reason #2: Drought

The opposite, drought, can also lead to leaf shedding. Native to rainforests, this plant needs a moist substrate. Dryness is alien to her. In principle, however, it takes a long time for the leaves to be shed when it is dry. If the soil has been dry for 2 weeks, leaf shedding will begin gradually…

Reason #3: Pest infestation

Pests can also be the cause of the schefflera dropping its leaves. You can track down the pests by carefully inspecting the underside of the leaves in particular. The Schefflera is susceptible to, among others:

  • spider mites
  • Mealybug
  • scale insects
  • thrips
  • aphids

Additional reasons

But there can also be other reasons. You know your radiate ara best! Also consider the following possibilities as a cause:

  • too low temperatures
  • signs of aging
  • lack of light
  • significant nutrient deficiency
  • heat
  • direct sunlight
  • illness

Measures to rescue

Prevention is the best measure to ensure that the leaves do not turn yellow or brown in the first place and eventually fall off. That means: Choose an ideal location (no direct sun, but bright) and don't overdo it or underdo it when it comes to care.

If the first leaves have already fallen off, you need to look for the cause to help the Schefflera:

  • with dry substrate: water bath
  • in wet substrate with root rot: repot
  • in the case of pest infestation: control of the pests, e.g. B. with soft soap solution
  • in heat, too much light or low temperature: change of location


If there is no disease behind the falling leaves, but the aralia has already shed almost all the leaves, you can quickly cut cuttings. This means that at least part of this plant will remain with you when it dies.

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