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Houseleeks are a genus of plants in the Succulent family. There are numerous species and many more varieties - many are very rare and only occur in a few natural locations. How many species there are exactly cannot be said exactly and differs between 40 and over 200 different species depending on the author. However, there are more than 7000 different Sempervivum varieties.

There are many different types of houseleek

Houseleeks for every location

Basically, houseleeks like sunny and dry locations with poor soil, but there are special houseleek species for certain conditions. Some houseleeks prefer calcareous soil, while others prefer slightly acidic or even more nutrient-rich soil. Due to the great variety within the houseleeks, collectors have an easy game: With the different colors and shapes, the most diverse planting ideas can be realized.

Popular houseleek species

In the table below you will find a list of some well-known and popular houseleek species. In addition to the Sempervivum species listed, there are numerous hybrids.

Houseleek Art Latin designation rosettes flowering shoots flower color particularities
Real houseleek Sempervivum tectorum up to 20 cm in diameter up to 60 cm high pink, purple or white forms the largest rosettes
Cobweb houseleek Sempervivum arachnoideum up to 2 cm up to 18 cm pink cobweb-like hairs in summer
mountain houseleek Sempervivum montanum up to 8 cm, spherical up to 50 cm Red runners up to 10 cm long
Fringe houseleek Sempervivum globiferum tiny up to 35 cm yellowish white also grows on acidic soils
Wulfen houseleek Sempervivum wulfenii up to 10 cm up to 30 cm yellow very long leaves
Large-flowered houseleek Sempervivum grandiflorum large, dark green up to 30 cm yellow or white Leaves are hairy
Lime houseleek Sempervivum calcareum green with red tips up to 25 cm white or pink for calcareous soil
Dolomite houseleek Sempervivum dolomiticum up to 5 cm up to 15 cm red or purple particularly undemanding
Serpentine houseleek Sempervivum pittonii flat, small, hairy up to 20 cm yellow rarity


When planting the various houseleeks, it is best to use commercially available cactus soil or your own mixture of potting soil with a third of sand.

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