Gladioli belong to the iris family and are one of the most popular vase flowers because of their colorful and impressive flowers. With a height of up to 150 centimetres, the slender flower stalks are extremely impressive and an attractive addition to any perennial border.

Late flowering gladioli do not flower until September

Flowering time depends on the variety

Not all gladioli bloom at the same time. As with many other plants, there are early, medium and late flowering types of gladioli. The flowering period for the early varieties begins in June, while the late bloomers only open their flowers in September.

The flowering period can be extended

Unfortunately, the flowering time of the individual shoots is very short and only lasts about two weeks, depending on the weather conditions. If you want the magnificent gladioli to bloom longer in your garden than in the neighboring gardens, you can extend the flowering period with a trick that is as simple as it is effective.

If you love a certain type of gladioli, you can plant the bulbs about a week apart from May to the end of June. As a result, the onion plants drift with a time delay and open the flowers gradually.

Special onion mixtures do the work for you

Alternatively, you can plant early and late flowering gladioli. Once the early bloomers have faded, the next varieties open their flower heads, followed by the late blooming species. Thanks to this, there will be no ugly gap in the flower bed, and you can enjoy the beauty of gladioli throughout the summer.


The top buds of gladioli often do not open while the lower flowers have already faded. Here it helps to pinch off all that has faded, so that no seed heads form. The gladiolus then puts all its energy into the remaining flowers and the upper buds open.
