- Where do you get plants for your own garden?
- Which location do yarrows prefer?
- When should yarrows be planted or sown?
- When do yarrows bloom?
- When are yarrows harvested for consumption or natural medicinal purposes?
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On many roadsides, the yarrow (Achillea) loosens up the green of the meadows in midsummer with their often white, attractive flowers. Since the plant is not only a perennial flowering plant, but also a popular medicinal plant, growing it in the garden is doubly worthwhile.
Yarrow should be planted in the sunWhere do you get plants for your own garden?
If you want to dig up roots of perennial plants from the edge of a feeding meadow, you should first ask the property owner for permission. In the meantime, the many colorful types of yarrow in particular are available in specialist plant shops and as seeds.
Which location do yarrows prefer?
Yarrow thrives particularly well in warm and sunny locations. The soil can also be relatively dry, as these plants cope better with short dry periods than with continuous waterlogging. When choosing the location in the garden, you should also pay attention to the growth height of the respective species:
- Low yarrows are well suited for rock gardens
- Medium-tall yarrow cut a fine figure in the wild perennial bed
- Tall species can remain as bedding perennials even in winter (with dried inflorescences).
Since yarrow roots are very deep, there should be as deep a layer of humus as possible.
When should yarrows be planted or sown?
In principle, the plants can be transplanted well in spring or autumn. Seeds are ideally sown directly outdoors between the beginning of April and the beginning of June and only lightly pressed into the ground, as they germinate in the light. When sowing, make sure there is a distance of about 25 centimeters between the individual specimens so that the plants can develop well.
When do yarrows bloom?
Yarrows usually flower very persistently, the spectrum of the flowering period usually ranges from around May to September, depending on the altitude, location and weather.
When are yarrows harvested for consumption or natural medicinal purposes?
Since the yarrow has relatively tear-resistant parts, scissors should be used when harvesting. The flowers in particular are often dried so that they can be used to prepare teas. In July and August, the leaves also contain a particularly high proportion of essential oils.
Yarrow tends to age after a few years in one location, which is why it should be divided regularly. In the course of the division, you may be able to obtain offshoots of regionally proven species of yarrow from fellow hobby gardeners.