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Many gardeners plant cranesbills primarily for their spectacular, profuse blooms. Unfortunately, many cranesbill species only have a very short flowering period, which can be extended by cutting back in good time. With the so-called replacement cut, the gardener encourages the plant to flower a second time.

Meadow cranesbill will flower a second time if cut back after flowering

Pruning encourages rebloom

With some geranium species, pruning after flowering can be worthwhile, as you will then be rewarded with a second flowering. With this cut, you cut off all stems with faded flowers just above the ground, but leave the leaf rosette untouched. A little liquid fertilizer increases the plant's readiness for a second flowering.

Which cranesbill species bloom a second time

Cranesbill Art Latin designation heyday
Clarke's cranesbill Geranium clarkei June to August
Pink cranesbill Geranium endressii April to June
Himalayan cranesbill Geranium himalayense June to July
Magnificent cranesbill Geranium x magnificum May June
Oxford cranesbill Geranium x oxonianum June to August
Brown cranesbill Geranium phaeum June July
Meadow cranesbill Geranium pratense July to August
Armenian cranesbill Geranium psilostemon June July
Caucasus cranesbill Geranium renardii June July
Forest Cranesbill Geranium sylvaticum June to July
Garden Cranesbill Geranium hybrids until autumn


If you value flowering that is as long and lush as possible, then you are well advised to use geranium hybrids. These crossbreeds often have extremely long flowering times.

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