- cut cuttings
- Caring for Deutzian cuttings
- When can the new shrubs be planted out?
- Young plants from the garden trade
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Deutzia, also known as Mayflower bush or Starlet bush, are wonderful for growing hedges on the fence. But you need a lot of shrubs for this. If you are already caring for a Deutzia in the garden, you can provide for offspring yourself through propagation.
The Deutzia is best propagated by cuttingscut cuttings
To propagate Deutzia, cut cuttings from the existing plant in summer. Choose shoots that grow in the center of the bush.
Cut 20 to 30 cm long pieces from branches that are not yet fully woody. Be sure to use a clean and sharp knife for this.
Prepare pots with sterile potting soil. First remove the lower leaves and then put the pieces of shoots in the growing pots.(16.68€)
Caring for Deutzian cuttings
To root the cuttings, place them in a warm spot and make sure the soil is kept evenly moist, but not wet.
- Bright location
- No direct sun
- Keep the substrate evenly moist
- Overwinter in the house
Fully grown Deutzia are absolutely hardy. However, this does not apply to the small cuttings. They freeze to death at sub-zero temperatures and must be overwintered frost-free.
When can the new shrubs be planted out?
Already in the following spring the cuttings have formed enough roots to be planted in their intended location.
The new place should be as sunny as possible so that the Deutzia have many flowers. The shrubs thrive best on loose, humus-rich and nutritious soil.
If you plant the self-propagated Deutzia as a hedge, keep a planting distance of about half of the expected growth width.
Young plants from the garden trade
If you don't have the time or space to propagate Deutzia yourself, you can get many varieties as young plants from garden retailers.
Plant the Deutzia, which are grown in the pot, in the garden either in spring or in autumn.
Shrubs planted in autumn should be protected from frost in the first year with winter protection.
Deutcian are incompatible with themselves. If you plant out the shrubs you have propagated yourself, make sure that no Deutzia have been there before. If it cannot be avoided, replace a large part of the soil beforehand.