Deutzia or Mayflower shrubs are among the most popular spring bloomers in German gardens. The shrubs, which are kept as hedges or as individual plants, are non-toxic and can therefore be planted in any garden without hesitation.

The beautiful Deutzie is completely harmless to humans and animals

Deutzia are not poisonous

There are no toxins in the leaves or flowers, nor in the trunk or roots of the Deutzia.

Parents with children or pet owners can plant Deutzia without worry, since the shrubs do not pose any danger.

On the contrary, the wild forms of Deutzia flower very early and are therefore ecologically valuable. They provide food for bees and bumblebees at a time when many other shrubs have not yet formed flowers.


The non-poisonous Deutzia starts flowering as early as May, i.e. a little earlier than other flowering shrubs. Until June, it forms many dense clusters of grapes, which are tinted white or pink depending on the variety.
