In May, many gardeners keep an eye on the ice saints, because in the middle of the spring month, these anniversaries usually bring us the last cold period with the risk of night frost. But who exactly were the "strict gentlemen" and do the old peasant rules still apply today? We would like to get to the bottom of these and other questions in the following article.

There may still be morning frosts before the ice saints

Pankrazi, Servazi and Bonifazi are three frosty Bazi. And at the end, the cold Sophie is never missing.

The commemoration days of the ice saints

Surname date Life
May 11th mamertus In the fifth century a bishop in Vienne, France.
12th of May pancratius He was martyred in Rome in the fourth century.
May 13th Servatius Bishop who lived in Tolgern, Belgium, in the fourth century.
May 14th Boniface Sicilian martyr executed in the fourth century.
May 15th Sophie She died as a martyr in Rome in the second century.

Why are the ice saints considered Lostage?

The Ice Saints mark a time when the beginning vegetation can be damaged by late frosts. This can lead to massive harvest losses.

The reason for the capricious weather: In mid-May, in our latitudes, northern weather conditions often meet arctic polar air. Cold snaps are the result, which can bring late night frosts. Since the cold in Germany spreads from north to south, the ice saints begin on May 11 in northern Germany (Mamertus) and in the south on May 12 (Pankratius).

Patience pays off

So that your plants are not damaged, you should keep a close eye on the weather forecast around the ice saints. Late frost does not cause lasting damage to outdoor plants, since usually only the fresh shoots, which grow back quickly, freeze to death. In the vegetable and orchard, on the other hand, there is a risk of massive harvest losses.

If cold weather with night frosts is announced, you can take the following measures:

  • Protect sensitive plants such as tomatoes with a foil tunnel (€11.46) or a fleece cover.
  • Balcony boxes that have already been planted (€109.00) and frost-sensitive tub plants can simply be brought into the house overnight.
  • If shoots are frozen, you should cut them back as soon as possible. The plant can then activate the sleeping eyes and quickly sprout again.


Due to climate change, the ice saints are canceled more and more often or are postponed to the beginning of May. In addition, the climate in Germany varies greatly from region to region, so the lost days should not be seen as a rigid rule, but only as a guide.
