In addition to the European larch, the Chinese larch is good for forming mini trees. The latter is characterized by lighter green, softer and longer needles, which makes the tree look particularly aesthetic. Most larch species can be grown as bonsai.

The mini larch is best cut in early spring

Larches have these claims

Golden larches differ from the European larch in that they require more water. In addition, the Chinese species is not frost hardy and requires overwintering in a cold house. While Larix decidua likes sunny conditions, Pseudolarix amabilis needs a partially shaded location. Otherwise, the needs of both species are similar.


The coniferous tree needs regular watering all year round so that the roots do not lie dry. In the summer months, place the bonsai pot in a water bath until no more bubbles appear and the substrate is saturated. During winter, watering with a watering can is sufficient as soon as the soil on the surface is dry.


As soon as the first leaves sprout in May, the first fertilization takes place. The larch enjoys a regular supply of nutrients at intervals of two to three weeks until September. Liquid fertilizer for bonsai or organic fertilizer pellets prove to be well suited. In the early days, a nitrogen-rich fertilizer ensures that strong shoots develop. In the later course of the vegetation period, the plants attach importance to a balanced nutrient ratio.

How to shape the bonsai

Larches hardly set any limits to the imagination in bonsai art. You can try it out and implement many ideas. The conifer allows strictly upright growth forms or cascades. It can be raised as a twin strain or in the forest form.

To cut

Regular pruning is not a problem for the larch. The ideal time to cut back strong branches is from winter to early spring, before the new leaves begin to sprout. Look for a balanced cut that's evenly distributed across the crown. If you keep cutting back in the same areas, they will age quickly and unsightly bulges will appear in the bark.

Cutting measures:

  • remove superfluous and unfavorable buds
  • Prune branches back to two leaf buds
  • Shorten long shoots as soon as they are 10 to 15 centimeters long


Since larches, like conifers, produce sticky resin, you can do without the use of wound sealants. In addition, the callus tissue quickly ensures that wounds are closed.


Young shoots have soft wood and are flexible. During the hibernation, the larch branches can be easily wired or stretched out when the buds are still firm and less sensitive than in spring. Regularly check the thickness growth, because the branches thicken quickly. Take off the wires in time to avoid leaving marks in the bark. If you missed the right time, there is no need to worry. As the bark becomes scaly over time, the incisions will soon grow together.
