Laying turf is the more convenient and faster method, but you save some costs when sowing. In order for the extra effort to pay off, you should wait for the right time and prepare the ground well.

Lawn can be sown at any time as long as it is warm enough


Lawn seeds can be sown all year round. However, you need a minimum temperature of ten degrees for successful germination. The ideal period with optimal soil conditions extends from April to May. In June, the thermometer is already rising in the unfavorable area, so that the water requirements of the seedlings should not be ignored. If you ensure even watering in summer, then the seeds will sprout without any problems during this time. From August to September, the relationship between precipitation and temperature is more favorable again.


Thoroughly loosen the area and remove root weeds. The work can be carried out with a hoe or electric helpers. Collect larger stones from the substrate and improve clayey and loamy soils with building sand. With a surface of ten meters you can count on one cubic meter of sand. Smooth out the soil with a wide wooden rake to create a level surface. The soil is lightly compacted with a hand roller.


After the ground preparations are complete, give the future lawn some rest. Let the substrate sink for a week. Choose an overcast and windless day so that the grass seeds are neither blown by the wind nor dried out by the sun when they are sown.


  • Put seeds with sand in a bucket and mix well
  • Spread the mixture out by hand
  • Spreaders ensure even distribution
  • Work in the seeds with the rake in longitudinal and transverse lines
  • Roll the sowing area again


If the soil is very loamy and heavy, it makes sense to apply a thin layer of lawn soil afterwards. A fine potting soil serves as an alternative cover so that the substrate does not dry out and become crusted. A rolling is no longer necessary. Be sure to water regularly, four times a day in dry weather for about ten minutes. After seven to 21 days, the grass seeds have sprouted. Reseeding is possible at any time to fill gaps.
