Liming the lawn can be a useful supplement to the annual fertilization. However, it is important to assess the need correctly. If the soil requires lime, it must be applied at the right time. This is the only way to avoid damage.

Moss in the lawn indicates soil that is too acidic


Lawns should have a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Soil samples provide precise information about deficiency symptoms. Certain plants also indicate when the subsoil is low in lime. Dog chamomile, farmer's mustard, moss and horsetail as well as pansies are indicators of a rather acidic environment. At the same time, the grasses show signs of damage such as dried shoot tips or yellowed leaves.


Before the new growing season begins in spring, the right time has come for liming. The first annual fertilization follows about two to three weeks after liming, when the grasses are freshly sprouting. Lime can also be applied in autumn from October. This variant offers an optimal result, since nitrogenous lawn fertilizers counteract the calcification. An exception are mild lime products that contain calcium carbonate. They can be used all year round if required.


Mow the area as deep as possible. Loosen the soil with a scarifier (€84.00) and remove moss, weeds and all plant debris. If necessary, you should aerate and sand the lawn. Measure the amount of lime exactly and use a spreader to apply the powder optimally.

Instructions for liming:

  • Drive down the area in lines with the control
  • leave no gaps and do not overlap lanes
  • Work lime into the soil with a rake
  • Thoroughly water the lawn


You can also spread the garden lime (€9.70) by hand on small areas. This is not dangerous for the skin.


Liming ensures a finely crumbly substrate and thus improves structure and stability. A good soil is less prone to silting up after rainfall and warms up more quickly in spring than a compacted subsoil. The plants also benefit from this soil improvement and prove to be more resistant to diseases. On the other hand, the growth of unwanted weeds in the lawn is slowed down. Lime helps against moss in the lawn.
