Lawns are typical of many gardens and prove to be more than just aesthetic. They serve as a useful space for social gatherings and provide a wonderful play area. In order for the seeds to germinate optimally, a number of aspects must be taken into account.

Lawn seeds need a minimum temperature of 10°C to germinate


Lawn seeds can be sown all year round, even in frosty temperatures. They are hardy, but need a minimum temperature of ten degrees in the soil and sufficient moisture for rapid germination. Sowing between April and May or August to September is ideal. If you take the climatic conditions into account, the area will develop into a closed lawn more quickly.


When buying sachets of seeds from the supermarket or garden trade, you should look out for the abbreviation RSM. This designation stands for standard seed mixture and guarantees a certain quality. Companies like Kiepenkerl, Classic Green or Greenfield stand for high-quality seeds.

What lawn seeds need

Soil preparation plays an important role in germination success. Loosen up the area with a sow tooth or spade and collect root remains and stones from the substrate. Level the ground so that the irrigation water later seeps away evenly. A smooth surface can be created with a rake.


Make sure that the lawn seeds are not covered and lie open on the substrate. Contact with the soil is important so that the seeds do not dry out and germinate evenly. Netting should be used to prevent birds from picking up the seeds.


  • Mix seed with sand for even distribution
  • Distribute the mixture generously and widely by hand
  • Work the surface lengthwise and crosswise with a rake
  • Press the seeds down lightly with your feet or a board


In order to provide your lawn seed with the best possible conditions for germination, you must water the lawn seed. In dry weather in spring and summer, water the area four times a day. Observe the weed growth on the area and pluck out unwanted weeds directly. They impair the growth of grasses by removing nutrients from the soil.


The germination time of lawn seeds is between seven and 20 days. Soil activators shorten this time.
