The UFO plant inspires with its plate-sized, lush green leaves. However, care errors can be to blame for yellowing. By following our tips, you can quickly nurture your Pilea back to health.

A wrong location is usually to blame for yellow leaves

root cause

When caring for the Ufo plant, you must first and foremost pay attention to the appropriate choice of location. The plant likes it bright, but must not be exposed to direct sun. Above all, however, a shady location leads to yellowing of the foliage. In addition, the shoots hang down limp.


With these symptoms, a change of location is the first and easiest measure to check whether the lighting conditions are to blame for the yellow color. If the pilea is in a suitable place, it will soon recover from the ailment.

If the leaves of the UFO plant turn yellow, there is usually no reason to worry. Once you have recognized your care mistake, the look can be restored quickly.
