Chrysanthemums are very special flowers because they only develop flower buds when the days are getting shorter and shorter. About three to four hours of sun a day are completely sufficient for the autumn bloomers. However, chrysanthemums have very high demands on their location so that the flower is all the more beautiful.

Chrysanthemums do not tolerate too much sun

Light shade or partial shade is ideal

In many garden guides you can read that chrysanthemums need a location that is as sunny as possible. However, it is true that the hybrid varieties in particular do not tolerate full sun (especially the midday sun!) poorly and dry out quickly. It is better to plant chrysanthemums in a light-shaded to partially shaded location - the plant does need a lot of light, but not direct sunlight. Incidentally, chrysanthemums also like the coolest possible temperatures - from around 25 °C they bloom little or not at all.

Chrysanthemums prefer loose and moist soil

Chrysanthemums are so-called heavy feeders, i. H. they have very high nutritional requirements. For this reason, you should plant the plant in humus-rich, moist soil. In addition, the soil should be as loose and permeable as possible, because chrysanthemums must not dry out, but at the same time they do not tolerate waterlogging. If the soil is too heavy or too sandy, you can improve it by adding plenty of mature compost (or, if you don't have it, topsoil).

tips and tricks

Gardening experts know the following rule of thumb for chrysanthemums: the sunnier the plant is, the more luxuriantly it blooms. However, the flowering period is shorter the sunnier it is. In a sheltered location, you will be able to enjoy the colorful flowers all the longer.
