Thanks to an ingenious survival strategy, Bellis have blossomed into the most famous flowers in Europe. In every meadow, almost every lawn, the distinctive daisies are represented. The lavishly filled premium varieties show off their blooms in perennial borders, flower borders and balcony boxes. The question on the tip of the tongue for home gardeners is how to properly care for Bellis. All important questions receive a well-founded answer here.

Daisies need plenty of water

Watering Bellis - is it necessary?

In order for Bellis to show their best side, they must not dry out. If the sky keeps its rain clouds under lock and key in summer, please water the plants regularly. Check daisies in pots and boxes every 2 to 3 days by finger testing to water when the substrate has dried. Bellis' high lime tolerance suggests that regular tap water is perfectly suited for the water supply.

How is the nutrient supply structured?

Fertilizing is not part of the Bellis care program. On the contrary, a supplementary nutrient supply reduces the degree of winter hardiness. An excess of nitrogen causes the growth of soft shoots and leaves that cannot withstand winter frosts.

Daisies in pots and balcony boxes will find a sufficient supply of nutrients for the entire season in pre-fertilized potting soil. If pale colors on the leaves and flowers indicate a deficiency, add a liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every 2 weeks.

Are Daisies Hardy?

Depending on location and growth, Bellis have different degrees of frost tolerance. The following overview explains when winter protection is advisable and under what conditions protective measures are not necessary:

  • Direct sowing of the pure species Bellis perennis: no winter protection required
  • Propagation by seed on the windowsill: 10 days hardening before planting in the bed
  • Acquisition of preferred noble varieties: 10-day hardening and planting out in May

If you cultivate daisies in pots or balcony boxes, we recommend a light protection against the cold until after the ice saints. Cover the vessels with fleece or foil so that the root balls do not freeze through.


If you brush Bellis regularly, the effort will be rewarded with a never-ending flowering period. When daisies shine in the lawn, the lawnmower cuts them back. As a blooming carpet in the bed, cut off the faded flowers with scissors in July/August to encourage another bloom.
