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Beech trees in the garden are certainly something very special. If you have enough space, you can contribute to environmental protection and a healthy garden climate with a copper beech. Whether you plant a copper beech as a hedge or as a single tree - the best time to plant is in autumn.

Beech trees are best planted in autumn or spring

The right time to plant beech trees

  • Mid-October to early December
  • March and April
  • frost-free day
  • Do not plant red beeches in summer

Autumn is the ideal time to plant beech trees. Then the soil is well moistened and the roots do not dry out.

Plant the beech on a frost-free day, preferably after a rainy day.

Note the planting instructions for beech trees. Bare-rooted trees must be soaked in water for several hours before planting.

Plant red beeches in containers all year round

If you buy a red beech in a container, you can plant it at any time. However, midsummer is not advisable as a planting time, as there is a risk of the roots drying out. However, if you water frequently - twice a day when it's hot - you can also plant the beech in summer.

Water well after planting

The roots of the red beech must never dry out completely. Muddy the tree very well after planting and don't forget to water it more frequently over the next few weeks.

But make sure that there is no waterlogging. It rots the roots.


Think very carefully about where to plant a red beech, because later transplanting is almost impossible. The trees grow very old and very tall and sprawling. A planting distance of 10 to 15 meters to buildings, sidewalks and neighboring properties should be maintained.

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