The saxifrage (Saxifraga) occurs in different countries and climate zones with a total of more than 450 subspecies. This makes it difficult to make general statements about the location and care requirements, since the different saxifrage species sometimes have very different preferences.

Saxifrage is wonderful for the rock garden

Sow saxifrage or plant out early?

Freshly sprouted saxifrage grows very slowly at first and can therefore easily be overgrown and displaced by other plants. Therefore, when direct sowing in the garden, it can be difficult to distinguish the young plantlets from food and light competitors in the "weed" category. Even when growing in pots and bowls, you should note that the seeds of the saxifrage usually need a distinct cold phase before germination.

Which location does the saxifrage prefer?

In the case of the saxifrage, the question of the correct location must be broken down into the respective subspecies. In general, there are the following rough subdivisions:

  • Moss Saxifrage
  • Padded Saxifrage
  • Sedum Saxifrage
  • Beaker Saxifrage
  • Autumn Saxifrage

The cushion saxifrage is well suited to full sun locations such as rock gardens and dry stone walls. In contrast, the subspecies of the moss saxifrage prefer locations with partial shade, humus-rich soil and slightly more pronounced soil moisture.

When is the best time to transplant Saxifraga species?

If necessary, saxifrage plants can also be transplanted in autumn if this is not done just before winter. However, the better time for repotting and transplanting is in spring, when severe night frosts are no longer to be expected.

How can the saxifrage be propagated?

Bald spots in the saxifrage cushions can be “filled in” again with cuttings cut off from the side. These usually root relatively quickly and easily. Since most Saxifraga species can spread widely under the right conditions, propagation by division is very popular. When growing from seeds, it should be noted that the seeds are cold germs that should not be covered too thickly with soil.

When does the saxifrage bloom?

Many Saxifrage species flower from May to June or July. An exception are the representatives of the autumn saxifrage, which is named after its flowering period in October and November.

Which substrate does the saxifrage prefer?

Sun-loving and drought-tolerant species of cushioned saxifrage should be cultivated on a well-drained substrate with as much sand and gravel as possible. The moss saxifrage, on the other hand, grows better if it is protected from drying out by humus-rich subsoil and a layer of mulch.


With saxifrage, it can sometimes happen that its short roots lose contact with the ground due to cushion growth or undermining. Therefore, check "suspiciously" arched specimens for their ground contact to prevent plant damage.
